Monday, December 5, 2011

How much is your PI case worth?

No one can tell you they know how much your case is worth or how much you will receive when you first meet with them.  If they do, RUN!  There are those cases with minimal injuries and minimal health care bills that do not require the aid of an attorney.  

Why?  Because you would get more money in your pocket if you settle it yourself than if you pay an attorney.  Talk to an attorney to get an idea of whether or not you need to hire someone.  

Generally speaking however, valuing a personal injury case is an ongoing process.  As injuries are more fully fleshed out by your physician, as medical bills and lost wages build up, the value of your case increases.  Likewise, if your injuries are determined not to be as serious as previously thought or you don’t have as many medical bills or as much wage loss as were originally anticipated, your case will be worth less.  

Settling a case before you know the full value, i.e., until your doctor says you are “back to normal” or “as good as you’re going to get”, could cost you a lot of money.  If you find out you need further medical care after you have settled, you cannot go back to the insurance company and ask for more.

Firm Partner
Yvonne T. Griffin
Personal Injury Attorney
Tucker Griffin Barnes P.C.
Avvo Rating


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